Wednesday, January 4, 2017

One-A-Day 28

One-A-Day: A Daily Dose of Wisdom

This post is part of a series called One-A-Day: A Daily Dose of Wisdom.

*Read Proverbs 28
Questions for Reflection: 

  1. Given our current cultural backlash against what it perceives as judgement, how does Prov. 28:4-5 speak to you personally? If (worldly) men do not understand justice, what does that say about our culture’s definition of judgement? How can we exercise wisdom in our response to a rebellious nation? How does God minister to our own rebellious heart?
  2. If we want an effective prayer life, what does verse 9 say we must first do?
  3. If fear of the Lord leads to obedience, how is obedience connected to the blessed life (vs. 14)?
  4. How has greed and pride clouded the American view of happiness, blessing and prosperity? Consider Prov. 28:25-27. Ask God to give you understanding of His heart for His people and clear vision for your life.

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