Thursday, September 24, 2015

Focused Living

Read:  Matthew Chapter 6

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (vs. 33)

In every example, every story, every word, Jesus is urging us to look beyond the surface.  He is revealing the spiritual nature of the Jewish Law and life in general.  Our righteousness is not what we see on the outside. He’s saying if our heart is right our deeds will be righteous.  If our heart is pure, our sight (perception) will be clear.  He’s urging us to see that life in the kingdom is about God, His will, His glory, and our relationship with Him.  It is Him we look to please, Him we receive our praise, and Him who gives us our reward.  To be spiritually healthy is to keep our heart soft and innocent so we can commune with Him, understand His will, and do what His Spirit tells us to do.  We must seek and keep seeking God in everything.  Are you willing to strive after this kind of living above all this world can offer?

Lord, I open my heart to you.  I allow you entrance into all of me.  Sometimes the pain in this world has cause me to store up hurt in my heart.  Show me where my heart has darkened and hardened.  Only you can heal and restore me.  Massage my hardened heart, increase my sensitivity to Your Spirit.  Awaken me to Your Presence.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

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