Friday, November 18, 2016

To a Hurting Nation

To a hurting nation,

I hear your cries, oh nation, I know your pain. I am here, extending comfort. I am listening to your groans, oh children, I am loving you. Your pain is self-inflicted. Return, oh hardened nation, to my heart. Your suffering need not be.

You tear each other down in the name of your idols. This judgement is not of me. My heart weeps with the afflicted. You need not be filled with fear, trust in me. As you trust me, your doubts melt into my love.

You devour one another in your fear and pain. Oh! how I hate to see my people abuse one another. Return, oh nation, to my heart.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Quiet Pondering's

Our Father is a good, good Father, isn’t he? He loves us so much and gently leads us into the best path for our lives. To me, best means the most joyful, most fulfilling, and most efficient way of life for me personally in the kingdom of God. This permeates everything I think, feel, say, and do here on earth.

Recently, I wrote that I believe I have been called into ministry. Ministry is such a broad term and truly we are all called into the ministry of the gospel when we are adopted into God’s family.

Tweet: We are all called into the ministry of the gospel when we are adopted into God’s family. @SpiritInReality

My gifts and talents are leading me to believe there is an occupation that comes along with this calling. Because of where I am in my life, this almost seems like a second chance as I figure out what I want to do when “I grow up.”

In 2015, I had the wonderful opportunity to work in the church and got a glimpse of what a local ministry looks like. When the opening came for vocational ministry, the Lord said, “Not yet.” Next, I worked with the Lord early this year to write the manuscript for a book. I attended the conference, She Speaks, and was presented with an online ministry model.

As my mind filled with the ideas of what this ministry “should” look like, the Lord gently drew me into His presence and said, “I am training you, just rest in Me.” I thought I would be launched into the world of ministry, but as I have quietly pondered all that I experienced, I’m so grateful the Lord gives us time to rest. I tend to be a “go-getter” and have a pattern of running ahead of the Lord. Since I got married and had children, the Lord has lovingly restrained me and is teaching me to love discipline. The Lord is balancing this busy Martha with the stillness of Mary. (Luke 10:38-42)

I am continuing to improve the manuscript, something which brings me great joy. The Lord is surrounding me with talented women who are giving me great feedback. I am also free to enjoy substitute teaching which has been a perfect supplement during this time.

But most importantly the Lord is filling me with great expectation and hope. God loves to pour hope into all His servants and it is among the best gifts in life. God’s intention is that all His children live in a place of hope.

Blessings as you also quietly ponder the good things of God in your heart.