Wednesday, December 23, 2015

John's Jesus

As we head into the Christmas season, I invite you to ponder the life of Jesus with me from the perspective of John.  I can’t encourage you enough to consider Jesus in the reality of your own life; it is just what our soul and spirit needs!!  

Starting tomorrow, join me in reading a chapter a day in the book of John.  Spend a few moments to allow God to connect what you read to your own life and circumstances.  I will post a short meditation and prayer daily.  

Some of you have mentioned you are having troubles commenting on my blog.  It could be as simple as enabling cookies in your browser since google uses a verification process.  

All Bible verses are taken from the ESV unless otherwise noted.

This could be the difference between a nice holiday get-together and a meaningful, eternal celebration.  Let’s do this!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

John 1- True Nature

Read: John Chapter 1

“But to all who did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name” (vs. 12, Amplified Bible)

The way John introduces Jesus is like no other gospel writer.  While the others introduce Jesus as a man, John is revealing Jesus’ true nature.  John is saying Jesus is the essence of God: He is the manifestation and reality of all the Jews ever believed God for.  Just as Jesus is the Son of God, so He gives us the authority to be a son or daughter of God.  John is emphasizing that we have this power and glory dwelling in us when we believe in His name.  Life becomes fun as the Holy Spirit reveals God’s nature within!

Father, I look to you to reveal my true nature.  Allow me to see myself as You see me.  Tell me who You created me to be.  Help me to believe and walk in the identity you have given me.   Remind me who I am when I get discouraged and distracted by this world.  May I see what You see when You look at me.

Monday, December 21, 2015

John 2- Human Nature

Read: John Chapter 2

“But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.” (vs.24-25)

Jesus actually experienced our human nature and its temptation to sin.  He truly gets us and understands our weaknesses.  He also showed us how to overcome our sinful nature by walking (fully) in His divine nature.  Since we receive Christ’s nature when we believe Him to save us from our sin, we too can overcome.

 Lord, please show me in the reality of my life what it means to live in Christ.  Please increase my spiritual discernment so I can know these things from my own experience.  I humble myself in Your Presence.  Reveal Yourself to me today.  I love You so!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

John 3- Born Again

Read: John Chapter 3

“Jesus answered him, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.’” (vs. 3) 

To be born again is a way of describing the spiritual exchange which occurs when we believe Jesus to save us from our sin.  Our old (sin) nature dies and our new (spiritual) nature is born.  It is in our spirit where God “lives”, and where we experience connection with Him.  Our spirit is inhabited by the Holy Spirit.  We live in God’s Kingdom, hear God’s voice, and experience eternal life through our spirit.  Our new nature strengthens (becomes dominate) as we submit everything in us to the Spirit, even our physical bodies.  We learn to do life out of our renewed spirit.  This is what the Bible refers to as living “in Him.”

Lord, I submit everything in me to my spirit which is born of Your Spirit.  Teach me how to do life out of my spirit, surrendering my mind, will, and emotions to (the) Holy Spirit.  May my works be wrought with You: divinely prompted, done with Your help, and in dependence upon You.  Make us one.  

Saturday, December 19, 2015

John 4- Spirit and Truth

Read: John Chapter 4

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (vs 24)

Jesus is revealing the essence of the gospel to the woman at the well.  Essentially what He is saying is, “You guys are so focused on what you see in reality (on earth), but there will be a time, and really it is already here, when you will worship me in spirit and reality.  What I mean by this is that you won’t just go to a place to worship me, but you will worship me from the inside out!”  She talks about physical water, Jesus points to spiritual water.  She speaks of a physical location to worship, he talks about an internal form of worship.  The woman’s response is key.  She reveals that she doesn’t understand (in fact I’m pretty sure she had no clue!) but that she trusts the Messiah to explain all things.

Oh that I would have the faith of this Samaritan woman!  Father, I don’t understand these things, but I trust You to bring me into an intimate knowledge of spirit and truth.  Teach me to truly, genuinely worship You from the inside out!

** Bonus Thought!  John felt the intimate touch of Jesus.  He spoke of himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”  He understood what it meant to worship God “in spirit.”  He had an intimate spiritual connection with Jesus which allowed him to feel God’s love and sense His affirmation in reality, even after Jesus died.  We too can have this depth of relationship in Christ!  In fact, that is just a natural part of being a son or daughter of God.  The Holy Spirit gives us assurance.

Friday, December 18, 2015

John 5- Wonders

Read:  John Chapter 5

“For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing.  And greater works than these will he show him, so that you may marvel.” (vs. 20)

Since John’s focus is on Jesus’ divine nature, he is more diligent in reporting His miracles.  It seems that during the holidays our suffering becomes more acute, or at the very least we are more aware of our pain.  I hear a lot of people crying out for healings and miracles.

It is important to note that we (now) have the power and authority through Jesus that was given to Him when He was here.  Note what Jesus said about these wonders: we are able to do nothing of our own accord (vs 19,30), there are appointed seasons (vs 4), according to God’s will (vs 21,30), for God’s honor (vs 23), and by the Holy Spirit (vs 36).

Here’s what the Lord is saying to me:

“Remember, my healing and miracles are according to my purpose.  I am much more interested in faith (trust) and salvation (spiritual freedom) than flexing my power in this world.  Yes, I do allow suffering, even to the point of death on the cross.  But it is because I love and care for my sheep so deeply and I desire them to be with Me (even) now.”

Dear Jesus, help me to trust You even when I don’t understand what I see and experience in this world.  Help me to believe You are a good Father, even when I just want to get out of my hardships.  Please don’t let pain harden my heart.  I look to You for Your purpose.  I open my heart to the trust You are building through my struggles.  Fill my mind with Your perspective, so I can see my circumstances the way You do.  I admit, I have a hard time believing the Spirit you sent to me.  Fill my heart with belief that I may adhere and rely on Him.  Please make Your thoughts known to me.  Open my eyes to Your works for the proof I need.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

John 6- Living Bread

Read:  John Chapter 6

“So Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.’” (vs. 53-54)

Jesus was very clear with his disciples, His teachings could (only) be discerned in the spirit.  Those who were not listening with faithful ears were absolutely repulsed by the concept of eating flesh and blood.  Because they could not hear the spiritual truth behind Jesus’ (literal) words, they fell away. 

Jesus was The Messenger when He walked the earth, today the Holy Spirit is The Messenger to us.  He speaks just as Jesus spoke, and His words are spiritually discerned.  Abiding in Him as our daily bread means discerning His voice, believing what He says, and obeying His (spoken and written) Word.  

Lord, give me spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear.  Increase my faith in what You say, that I may learn and live by Your Word and possess eternal life (even) now.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

John 7- God’s Authority

Read: John Chapter 7

“So Jesus answered them, ‘My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.  If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority.” (vs. 16,17) 

As we grow to understand and recognize God, we can actually hear the difference in man’s tradition and God’s teaching.  We learn to receive God's Word in our spirit as opposed to our flesh.  This discernment grows in us so we can recognize and obey God’s will on a personal level.  It is the role of the Holy Spirit to illuminate God's Word so we will hear His voice and authority in what we read and in whomever is speaking.

As we study the Bible, let the Holy Spirit open the written Word like a flower, so we will understand what He is revealing about Himself to us personally.  Let us not be tempted by our flesh to study God like an academic course, missing the reality of Jesus in our lives today.

Lord, I receive Your love today, You are welcome here.  I open my heart to receive the faith I need to believe Your Word.  Teach me to hear Your will for me on a personal level.  May I believe, trust and rely on Your authority.  Teach me to cleave to Your Word as revealed by the Holy Spirit.  I desire to keep your message living in me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

John 8- The Law

Read:  John Chapter 8

“And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.” (vs 9, KJV)

Jesus treated the law as a tool to reveal sin, or to bring sin to consciousness.  Notice Jesus did not use it to condemn those who realize their sin.  In fact, he resisted those who tried to use the law as a weapon.  He simply said, “Go and sin no more.”

When we are caught in sin, may we resist the temptation to hold on to the judgement of the law.  May our conviction be followed by Jesus’ sweet words of repentance: go and sin no more.  May we release condemnation into Jesus’ hands, receive forgiveness, and step forward into holiness.

Teach me to receive complete forgiveness and believe that I am really and unquestionably free from the jail brought on by sin.  I realize now that guilt, shame, and condemnation have no place in my daily walk.  These are but lies when I am walking in You.  Thank you for convicting me so that I can course-correct and experience the freedom of being Your child.  Show me how to think, feel, and act in harmony with You.

Monday, December 14, 2015

John 9- Power Made Manifest

Read:  John Chapter 9

"Jesus answered. ‘This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.’” (vs 3b, NLT)

God’s works in this earth are all around us. Miracles are when that which (already) exists in the spirit becomes manifest on earth.  Miracles are an event (proof) of what our faith tells us is true.  It is when spiritual reality breaks through into the reality of this world.  But the enemy seeks to steal our belief.  He whispers thoughts of doubt.  “That man wasn’t really blind,” he says.  Our flesh seeks a reasonable explanation, as if God had no part if the wonder can be explained in earthly terms.  Let us not harden our heart to the power of God, but seek Him and His gifts through the Holy Spirit earnestly.

Father, may Your power be made manifest in me.  Open my eyes to see You working in my life.  Release Your power that all men may know without a shadow of a doubt that You are who You say You are and You always keep Your promises.  Father, reveal Your divine nature to me personally, that I may know without a shadow of a doubt that You are here.  Help me in my unbelief.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

John 10- The Separator

Read:  John Chapter 10

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.” (vs 1)
Jesus is the Door to a relationship with God.  There is no other way to come close to God but through salvation as manifested in Jesus.  Many have attempted to get to God through their own merit; they have allowed their expression of worship to become their faith.  But this distraction steals and kills our abundant life.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  Since Jesus is no longer here on earth with us, He sent the Holy Spirit to function as our Shepherd.  We hear His voice and follow Him out to pasture.  By following His voice we are kept safe from the enemy.

Father, purify my faith.  Show me where I have allowed the religious spirit to snatch my freedom in You.  Teach me to live out of my renewed spirit, according to the promptings of the Spirit.  I desire to follow you as a sheep follows his shepherd.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

John 11- Miraculous Evidence

Read:  John Chapter 11

“But when Jesus heard it he said, ‘This illness does not lead to death.  It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.’” (vs 4)

Just before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead he asked Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”  The Bible was written from a faithful perspective.  The writers saw the world through their faith, and therefore saw the glory of God in the world.  We too have the opportunity to see our circumstances through the eyes of faith which causes us to see God’s glory on earth.

Open the eyes of my heart, God.  I want to see You.  Release Your glory in me that You would be glorified in this world.  Just as Jesus was in You and You were in Jesus, so I am in Him and He is in me.  You and I are one.  Fill me with faith removing any doubt.

Friday, December 11, 2015

John 12- The Voice

Read:  John Chapter 12

“The crowd of bystanders heard the sound and said that it had thundered; others said, An angel has spoken to Him!” (vs. 29)

Although some saw and heard about the miracles and their hearts were filled with belief, some saw and heard the same miracles and could not believe.  They were not given the ears to discern God’s voice.  To those whom believe, Jesus is a Light and His Light fills us through the Holy Spirit.  To those who trust and rely on the Holy Spirit, we are given life beyond our existence on earth.

Father, these are weighty verses.  I humble myself in Your Presence.  Soften my heart, open my eyes, open my ears.  Fill me with Your Spirit, I submit my whole being to You.  Give me ears to discern Your Voice, the Holy Spirit talking within me.  Teach me to obey Your Voice continually just like Jesus did on earth.  Separate my soul, let me walk in purity into (an) eternal life.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

John 13- Passover

Read:  John Chapter 13

“Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” (John 13:1)

Oh the richness of the scripture!!!  I love the details which speak of God’s spiritual purpose and rhythm.  The Passover was celebrated to remember how God’s judgement passed over the Israelites just before God saved them from slavery and delivered them out of Egypt.  God commanded the Israelites to kill a lamb and use the blood to paint on their doorpost.  In this way, judgement and death passed over their household.  Jesus was the manifestation and reality of the passover lamb, slain for our salvation and deliverance from sin.  Over and over again God tells His story in history.  Grasp the reality of God’s love story in your life today.  Death and judgement pass over us as we believe the reality of salvation and deliverance through Jesus Christ.  We are loved!  

Holy Spirit, may You be my assurance of God’s story in my life.  Touch me today, that I may experience salvation and deliverance in a real and tangible way.  Lead me into the promised land, a rich and abundant land.  Thank you for writing Your story in the reality of my life!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

John 14- In Him

Read:  John Chapter 14

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” (vs. 11,12)

Jesus made some really bold statements of what Father will do through us.  He said Father will reveal His power through us and that we too will do the works of God.  He explained exactly how this promise would be fulfilled, by obeying His commands.  Jesus shared with the disciples just how they would receive His commands after He left, through the Holy Spirit.  He explains that we will know and experience how Jesus was in  His Father.  We experience this same type of relationship, this same oneness with God, that Jesus experienced.  We experience this oneness through living in Jesus.  We live in Jesus by obeying His commands.  His commands come to us through the Holy Spirit living in us.  Just like Jesus, we are led by the Spirit and we have the opportunity to obey Him continually.

Father, please teach me to live as Jesus lived when He was on earth.  Teach me to recognize Your voice so clearly that I follow You constantly.  I want to be Your light!  I want Your power to manifest on earth, so that You would be glorified through me just as You glorified Jesus.  These are big prayers.  I trust You to fulfill Your promises.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

John 15- The Ultimate Love

Read:  John Chapter 15

“If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.” (vs. 10)

To dwell, abide, and to live in Him all describe the vital connection Jesus had with God and the unity we can have with God in Christ.  Simply put, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in our spirit and we dwell with Him there.  But seriously, who has time to sit around and meditate in our spirit all day long?  How is it that we abide during the busyness of work and activity in this world?  We feel God’s love when we obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our activity.  He reveals Himself in a tangible way, affirming that we are His.  When we abide in His love by obeying His Word (spoken and written), we are completely satisfied in Him.  We are filled with the full measure of love and joy and they overflow into the lives of the people around us.  When all our needs are met completely in Christ, only then are we free to selflessly love others with no strings attached.

Holy Spirit, draw me close to You.  Teach me how to abide even when I am busy and dealing with the problems of this world.  I invite you to inhabit my life and guide me through all these complicated situations and decisions.  Show me what it means to fully rely on You, to be completely satisfied in Your love.  Please manifest Yourself to me, make Yourself real to me.  That I may clearly feel true love and be filled in full measure with joy.

Monday, December 7, 2015

John 16- Overcomer

Read:  John Chapter 16

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (vs 33)

There is all sorts of forces in this world clamoring to steal our joy: troubles, frustrations, problems, or tragedy.  Sometimes it is our own inner distress: loneliness, depression, worry, or boredom.  But the Lord says that if we seek and keep seeking Him, finding all our needs in Him, He has overcome the world.  No temptation has power over us to harm, influence, or take control.  We rest in Jesus, with quiet confidence that He has overcome.  When the Holy Spirit talks, His Word settles the issue without question.  If we trust His Truth, we walk in perfect peace.

Father fill my heart with belief.  May I never waver.  Place Your Truth in my heart, replacing lies and removing doubt.  Help me to believe Your Spirit when He talks.  May I open my heart to receive Your Word without questioning it’s reality.  Reveal what only You can reveal regarding my life and circumstances.  Thank you, Jesus.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

John 17- Here and Now

Read:  John Chapter 17

“When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, ‘Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him.  And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’” (vs. 1-3)

Jesus has all power and authority over our flesh, or in other words over our human and imperfect self.  When we are walking in Him, living according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, our human side melts away as we experience a new and eternal quality of life.  We increasingly get to know and realize Christ’s power in us.  Even when our flesh is weak, our spirit is alive and well.  While our humanity is riddled with fear, insecurity, mistakes and failures, we overcome by walking closer to God and living our life out of our (renewed) spirit. 

Father, I lay down my pride and my fear of making a mistake or looking foolish.  Give me the courage today to step into a new life of doing what I believe the Spirit is prompting me to do.  Help me to hear Your Voice and not question whether it is You, but act and allow You to teach me through my experience.  I bind the spirit of confusion, bring me into all clarity regarding Your will for my life today and forever.  Please teach me to realize my eternal life, to let faith arise, please show me how to live out of my renewed spirit.  Manifest Your power and authority, Your glory, in me today that I may glorify You.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

John 18- Of the Truth

Read:  John Chapter 18

“Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (vs 37)

In these verses Jesus says His Kingdom is not of the world.  Before His arrest, He prayed for His people, all of us!  He prayed that while we are on this earth God would protect us, that we are in this world but we are not of it.  Being of the Truth means that we are controlled and influenced by God’s Spirit; we are born of and belong to Him.  Being made holy and sanctified means that we have been given the authority to live in this world but not be influenced or harmed by its guilt.  We cannot remove ourself physically from the evil of this world, but spiritually we are protected from it damaging our soul.  This is all possible when we believe in Jesus’ name and are one with God, just as Jesus was one with Him while He lived on earth.  We are perfectly united through the Spirit when we listen to and obey His voice.  It is then that the Lord can lead us through this earth without fear.

Dear Father, please remove any hinderances or barriers between me and Your Spirit.  Remove the boulders preventing my faith from arising into action.  Reveal any sin I have allowed in my heart.  Please clean me from the inside out.  I humble myself in Your Presence, teach me to stop and listen.  Increase my sensitivity to You, that I may follow You and be with You in Your Kingdom.

Friday, December 4, 2015

John 19- All Authority

Read:  John Chapter 19

“Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.” (vs 11)

Jesus understood all power and authority comes from God, and that no evil is allowed but according to God’s will for the good of those who are His own.  We may not understand what we see or why God allows such evil in our world and in our lives, but God is a good, good, Father.  Even Pilate could tell he was in the presence of something great, and that there was no fault in Jesus.  Yet Jesus submitted to His Father’s will, endured great evil, and suffering beyond what most of us suffer.  He did it because He trusted His Father, that God is good, and that He loves Him.

Father, I submit to Your authority and I submit to Your will.  Help me to believe You love me and that You are good, even when my life seems to suggest otherwise.  I trust You and I trust Your will in this earth.  Please help me believe when my heart and mind waver. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 20- The Twin

Read:  John Chapter 20

“Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (vs 27 NIV)

Thomas was named, “The Twin.”  Nicknames often carry significant spiritual weight in the Bible.  Perhaps because of his doubt there was a doubleness about Thomas.  By contrast, when Jesus saw Nathaniel in John 1, He saw a true believer who was without duplicity (doubleness).  I believe this double quality has it’s root in doubt.  Doubt can manifest through fear, an inability to make decisions, wavering, being tossed around by the world’s ideas, and the like. Doubt which replaces belief hardens the heart and can reveal itself in deceitfulness like hypocrisy and double-talk.  Let us allow God to fill us with such love and faith that our suspicions melt away.  Let our skepticism fall away to true belief.  Let’s not pick apart what we will and will not believe concerning God, but allow the Holy Spirit guide us into all understanding.  

Father, I believe, please help my unbelief.  I don’t want to go down the road of double-mindedness.  I don’t want to be tossed by waves of doubt.  I don’t want to be tortured by indecision and fear.  Please replace my doubt with faith that does not waver with the details of my circumstances.  Focus my mind on You, bring clarity to my life and decisions.  I desire to glorify You in all things.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

John 21- Jesus is Here!

Read:  John Chapter 21

“After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias,”.” (vs. 1a)

Just as Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples, He manifests to us through the Holy Spirit.  This Christmas let our eyes be opened and may we be reminded of all that God is.  May we be confirmed in our faith that God is who He says He is and always keeps His promises.  May we be convinced of His love, His salvation, and His Kingdom.  May we see this world through eyes of faith and worship Him, truly worship Him!  Let us be filled with all things good and be thankful.

Glory to God in the Highest!  You are here, You are real.  We celebrate You, Your salvation, and Your Presence.  Truly You are with us.  You dwelt in bodily form, and now You are here in Spirit.  Thank you, Jesus!  Thank you for my life, thank you for Your love.  I give You all the glory.  We celebrate You!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thank You!

Thanks so much for joining me in focusing on Jesus this month!  This Christmas I pray for peace and unity among all brothers and sisters.  May God's love envelop you as you celebrate and truly worship Jesus this week.  

Love and peace to you and your family!

*This is the last post in a devotional series called John's Jesus.  To start from the intro click here.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Balance

In my last post, Sacrificial Victim, I mentioned God is interested in mercy and forgiveness, and in Him our default is grace.  I always like to consider the balance of God’s character.  In our human mind, with the boundaries of earthly reason and logic, we sometimes create false dichotomies.  We have a hard time understanding God’s nature and character because from our perspective we see opposing characteristics.  We believe one characteristic cannot exist with another.

“And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord! the Lord! a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, Keeping mercy and loving-kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but Who will by no means clear the guilty,” (Ex. 34:6-7a)

I love this explanation God gives of Himself, because imbedded we see love, kindness, mercy and forgiveness, yet in the same breath we see judgement, punishment and intolerance.

Our Father is an awesome God, One who makes us wonder. 

Jesus Himself, the perfect representation of God’s character, expressed in one instance that He had not come to judge (John 12:47), yet in another instance says He had come to judge (John 9:39).

As we understand the heart and purpose of Father, we realize these seeming dichotomies are all part of Who He is.  Under the banner of love, with mercy and grace, He exacts discipline and punishment.  And I am so, so thankful.

If we can truly grasp that God is a good, good Father, we see everything He does as an expression of His heart.  He is interested in repentance, redemption, deliverance, and inheritance.  If we can see every action according to this purpose, perhaps we would be less suspect of God.

As an illustration of God’s heart, I’d like to consider Joseph’s treatment of His brothers after they came to Egypt looking for food from Pharaoh.  If you remember, Joseph’s brothers despised Joseph for His vision, and wanted to kill him.  In the end, the brothers sold him into slavery.  God eventually fulfilled Joseph’s dream, and through him saved many lives. (Gen. 37-47)

When Joseph’s brothers came to him to buy food, the Bible says he treated them as if they were strangers and spoke roughly to them.  He accused them of being spies and having an unfriendly purpose. (Gen. 42:9)  It seems he was treating his brothers harshly, without grace.  He then put his brothers through a series of tests and trials before revealing himself and bestowing forgiveness, mercy and grace on his brothers and their families.

At first glance, I am tempted to believe Joseph was acting apart from God in his treatment of his brother, that he was taking vengeance out on them.  But the Bible says the Spirit of God was on Joseph, and that he was doing the work of God with God. 

As I considered these things, I remember God disciplines his sons (Heb. 12:6).  In His love for us, He rebukes us, even to the point of punishment, for the sake of repentance.  He then allows us to go through tests and trials, not to prove our faith to Him, but to ourselves.  We learn to walk in a new way, allowing our faith to arise into action, causing us to believe.

There was a young pastor that was going through a terrible trial.  He was walking through the most awful circumstances, things that no father should have to deal with.  As I cried out for mercy, my heart was screaming enough is enough!  I felt the Father’s loving rebuke:

“Who are You to question my treatment of my son?  What you call harsh and unfair I am using for salvation.  And not just for one, but many.”

Yes, our Father is a good, good Father.  Receive these words today, and may You believe in the reality of your own life.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sacrificial Victim

“Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy... and not sacrifice and sacrificial victims.”  (Matt. 9:13 AMP)

What is a sacrificial victim?

A sacrificial victim is a person who is ritually killed with the intention of propitiating or pleasing a deity.  In other words, killing in the name of (our) idols.

What this means is that God is interested in mercy and forgiveness, even when an injustice occurs.  Idols happen anytime we allow something earthbound to take the place of God in our heart.  This can take the form of money, our job, our religion, or even our own will.  Sometimes our idols are revealed when things don’t go our way, or we perceive injustice regarding our idols.  For instance, how do we treat people when we believe they are ripping us off, or charging more than we would like to pay?  Are we willing to tear that person down by taking our anger out on them, thus treating them as a sacrificial victim?  How about at work when things don’t go according to our plan?  How do we treat our co-workers or employees when they don’t meet our expectation?  Are we willing to mistreat our neighbor and potentially cause damage to their soul?  Perhaps we are really good at being good in public, but it is our family we are sacrificing.

When our default isn’t grace, it is an indication that Jesus doesn’t have complete hold of our heart.  Perhaps it has been hardened by the mistreatment of this world!  God never intended for His children to receive such abuse in this world.  When we are following Him, He protects us.  This can be a physical protection, such as when He prompts us to leave or avoid an abusive or dangerous situation.   Most often, in everyday life, this refers to a spiritual protection.  Evil happens, and the spirit of this world directly opposes the Spirit of God.  While we are here, our lives are affected.  It’s horrible to be robbed, abused, mistreated... but thankfully our savior understands and has experienced these things!  He’s right there comforting us and whispering His love and plan for our life.  When we believe His perspective, allowing it to replace our human perspective, our soul is spared.  He heals the offense and we remain innocent!!

In our humanity we are weak.  Anytime we are tired, hungry, or stressed we are more likely to give in to the old man inside.  But walking in Christ provides the rest we need.  Obeying His promptings in our everyday life lessens these weaknesses as we are empowered by the Spirit of God.  Surrender today, this moment!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why Am I Not Experiencing Eternal Life?

All too often our spiritual story identifies more with the Israelites’ than Jesus’.  We experience salvation and deliverance and then we enter into a wilderness experience.  Like the Israelites we get distracted, confused, and discouraged.  We do what we think is right instead of obeying God’s commands.  We loose track of God and His purpose.  Our focus is down below instead of up above.  We forget that we have been saved and delivered, responding according to the flesh.  Some of the Israelites died in the wilderness, never having experienced God’s promised land on earth.

Jesus entered into the wilderness too.  Right after He was baptized and the Holy Spirit came and remained with Him, He went into the wilderness where He was tested and tempted.  Jesus focussed.  He allowed the experience to destroy His flesh.  The testing served to prove Him and empower Him to complete God’s purpose for His life.  His experience qualified Him, made Him ready to do God’s ministry here on earth.  He responded to the test in the way God would have Him respond.

The result?  Jesus’ wilderness experience lasted 40 days.  The Israelites? 40 years.  Huh.

I don’t want to spend my life saved by grace but never experiencing the life God has given me, a life as represented by the Promised Land.  I certainly don’t want to die in the wilderness!!  The wilderness is dark and sight is limited.  Jesus is Light.  The Promised Land is flowing with milk and honey.  Eternal life is filled with richness and abundance.  We experience the first fruits of heaven when we respond as God would have us respond.  Our life takes on an eternal quality when we obey the Holy Spirit.

Let’s focus on God today!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Without Duplicity

When Jesus saw Nathanael in John 1, he saw a true believer.  The Amplified version includes a word that I believe is very helpful in understanding the way God sees us.  Jesus said Nathanael was without duplicity.

When we believe Jesus to save us from our sin, something in us dies and we experience a new birth.  From a spiritual perspective, we are a new creation.  God wants us to see what He sees.  He is saying, “My child, look up.  The view is much clearer and healthier from where I stand.  You are a saint.  Take a fresh breath and receive this good news. I want you to see (and believe) how I see you.”

We believe Jesus had both human nature, with its capacity to sin, and divine nature, with its capacity to please God.  Not only did Jesus overcome sin in the flesh by fully walking in His divine nature, but when He died on the cross he put to death the sinful nature.  He didn’t say, “Someday you are new.”  He said, “It IS FINISHED!” (John 19:30 Emphasis mine)  When we walk in belief that God saves us, that sin thing that has been in operation since Adam is gone!

This is where the ‘already and not yet’ (Kingdom Come) quality of God’s promises comes into play.  As Paul explains in Romans Chapter 7, from our human perspective we feel like the two natures are at war.  From God’s perspective, however, our sinful nature is crucified and we are handed a new nature, God’s divine nature in Christ.  We are without duplicity.

Remember, the truly faithful live like God’s promises are (already) true. (Fulfillment)

When a believer allows pride to hold on to the notion he is a sinner, he is living in opposition to what is accomplished on the cross.  We must come into agreement with God: we are saints.  When God looks at us, He’s looking at our new nature.  When we believe Him for what He did on the cross,  we are not distracted by what we see and experience on the outside.  It doesn’t matter who is judging us, who is placing blame, or who is trying to shame us.  We must recognize these attacks as flaming arrows from the enemy.  Our battle isn’t against each other, but against the spiritual forces of evil.

It is critical we let go of our sin, receive God’s forgiveness, and move on to reflect God’s glory.  In our experience on earth, it feels like we are on a journey, realizing more and more of our divine nature as we walk closer to God.  We feel like we are dying a little bit each day as we put the flesh to death.  But in truth, from God’s perspective, there is only one nature in operation.  We are a new creation.  Period.

If we hold on to the lies of the past, it cripples us from living the life God intended for us.  We carry burdens, the weight of our sin, and it feels like shame, judgement, unworthiness, and the like.  We are not free to love others when we ourselves are holding on to judgement.  At some point our dark beliefs make themselves known.

Don’t be discouraged!  Don’t be distracted! We are without duplicity!

Live like salvation is true!