Monday, January 2, 2017

One-A-Day 30

This post is part of a series called One-A-Day: A Daily Dose of Wisdom.

*Read Proverbs 30
Questions for Reflection: 

  1. Proverbs 30 starts with a monologue about the human condition apart from God. There is a transition in verses 5-6. What does this tell you about the human search for wisdom versus wisdom that comes by the revelation of God?
  2. Prov. 30:3-4 asks a series of questions. We have seen these rhetorical questions before in Proverbs (20:24). What point is the writer trying to make by asking such questions? How is understanding associated with the holiness of God? What is granted to us in Christ?
  3. Make Prov. 30:7-9 your personal prayer. Really meditate on these verses and write your prayer in your own words. Consider verse 9 and read it in different versions. What does this verse speak to you personally? What are you dependent on, and what is our daily bread from a spiritual perspective?
  4. When the Holy Spirit reveals divine wisdom to us personally, we feel greatly encouraged in our spirit. How is this like our daily bread?
  5. Jesus learned the power of spiritual nourishment through fasting in the desert. When Satan tempted him with food, how did he respond? (Matt. 4:4) Consider fasting in your own life.

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