Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Matthew Moments

I’d like to invite you to read the book of Matthew with me over the next month!  

This will be real simple.  We’ll read a chapter a day.  As you read, think about what God may be speaking to you through His Word.  I encourage you to spend a few moments and allow God to connect His story to your story.  I totally encourage you to write these things down!  You can even make a comment here on the blog, anonymously if you don't' have an account!

Starting tomorrow I’ll be posting a short meditation and encouragement with a prayer for each chapter.

I hope you will join me as we ponder how Jesus’ story touches each of us every day.



*Click here to go to the first devotion.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jesus Saves

Read: Matthew Chapter 1

“She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (vs. 21)

Sin can be considered as failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is knowing God.  If knowing God is eternal life (John 17:3), think about the true nature of sin.  While the sins we commit against God’s law are symptoms, our real problem is that our very nature is broken, preventing us from coming closer and knowing God more intimately.  Only Jesus can save us from our real problem.

Father, I want to know you like my best friend.  I understand that while I can try to change my behavior, only You can save me from my sin.  Only You can exchange my broken nature for a spiritual nature in Christ.  I believe with all my heart that you have taken my sin and provided a way for me to get closer to You.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jesus is Lord

Read: Matthew Chapter 2

“And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.” (vs. 6)

Jesus came to rule and shepherd God’s people.  To rule means to govern, or to control the way something is done.  To shepherd is to take care of, to guide, and to protect.  Not only did Jesus come to save us from our sin, but He came to be our Lord.  When Jesus came to earth, He gave us an example of what this means.  Jesus yielded to God’s way of doing things.  In everything He sought God’s will: He did what God did, said what God said, and went where God went.  He lived a life fully submitted to God.

Father, I really want to do life Your way.  I want to experience an extraordinary life, a life filled with purpose and abundance.  I submit to You as Lord of my life.  Where You go I’ll go, what you say I’ll say.  Have Your way in me.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Preparing for the Lord

Read: Matthew Chapter 3

“‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'  For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, ‘The voice of the one crying in the wilderness; Prepare the way for the Lord; make his paths straight.’” (vs. 3,4) 

To repent means to think differently, to genuinely regret your sins, and to turn to God’s way of doing life.  Repentance prepares the way for Jesus as Lord.  If we want Jesus to rule and shepherd our life, a sincere humbling of the heart is necessary.  It is then that the kingdom of heaven can break through into our life.  God’s Kingdom is at hand, meaning it is a spiritual existence here and now, as well as a future material manifestation.

Father, so often I do my own thing.  I do things I know are wrong, or I do the right things according to my will without consulting Yours.  I’m so sorry.  I want to do life Your way.  Please reveal the condition of my heart so I may experience the kingdom of heaven in my life.

* This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Kingdom Living

Read: Matthew Chapter 4

“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (vs. 1)

At the end of Chapter 3 we see Jesus coming to John to be baptized, something He says is a fitting way for you and I to fulfill all righteousness.  (Pause to consider this if you have not yet been baptized.)  Immediately we see the Holy Spirit come and rest on Jesus, alighting on Him.  In Chapter 4, we see a sharp contrast between life in the kingdom of the world led by Satan (vs 8,9), and life in the kingdom of heaven led by the Spirit.  This contrast is illustrated by dwelling in darkness and seeing a great light (vs 16). Living in the kingdom of heaven is a life led by the indwelling Spirit (vs 1), sustained by the Word of God (vs. 4), filled with worship and service to God (vs 10), and marked by signs and wonders, or miracles (vs. 23).

Lord, I desire to experience Your kingdom.  Please be my Guide, I desire to follow You and to be Your disciple.  Please open my eyes to see the difference between the world’s way of life and Your way.  Give me discernment so I can obey You and You alone.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 5

“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven,” (vs. 12a)

Imagine feeling happy, prosperous, and joy-filled, regardless of your outward condition or circumstances.  Imagine being completely satisfied by the revelation of God’s matchless grace and salvation, therefore enjoying the earth and its blessings more than most.  Imagine feeling like you don't need anything in this earth but living a life beyond the scope of this world, walking above its pain and suffering.  Matthew Chapter 5 begins Jesus’ magnificent description of what a life in God’s Kingdom looks like in the reality of this world.

Father, please open my eyes to see You and experience Your kingdom.  May my faith be my sight, teach me to trust the life You have given me in Christ.  Teach me to walk in Your way, that I may experience the richness of your reward now and forever.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Focused Living

Read:  Matthew Chapter 6

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (vs. 33)

In every example, every story, every word, Jesus is urging us to look beyond the surface.  He is revealing the spiritual nature of the Jewish Law and life in general.  Our righteousness is not what we see on the outside. He’s saying if our heart is right our deeds will be righteous.  If our heart is pure, our sight (perception) will be clear.  He’s urging us to see that life in the kingdom is about God, His will, His glory, and our relationship with Him.  It is Him we look to please, Him we receive our praise, and Him who gives us our reward.  To be spiritually healthy is to keep our heart soft and innocent so we can commune with Him, understand His will, and do what His Spirit tells us to do.  We must seek and keep seeking God in everything.  Are you willing to strive after this kind of living above all this world can offer?

Lord, I open my heart to you.  I allow you entrance into all of me.  Sometimes the pain in this world has cause me to store up hurt in my heart.  Show me where my heart has darkened and hardened.  Only you can heal and restore me.  Massage my hardened heart, increase my sensitivity to Your Spirit.  Awaken me to Your Presence.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

True Life

Read: Matthew Chapter 7

“And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.” (vs. 28,29) 

Jesus spoke like no other teacher.  He taught from the heart and spoke to the heart.  He was completely undistracted by the complications and demands religion puts on faith.  He knew the heart of the Jewish Law and could communicate it without fear and condemnation.  He was the perfect example of the life that God offers.  We too can have this life because of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Lord, I want to live the kind of life Jesus did.  Allow me to experience new life hidden in Christ, so that I may walk in Your way every moment of every day.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 8

One of Satan’s main tasks is to discredit God so as to derail us from our true life, or the true scope of life.  He’s been discrediting God and instilling fear and doubt in man since the beginning.  God’s Spirit heals and performs miracles to this day.  May we put aside the fear and doubt of the world, and sit at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven!

Father, I know You are willing.  May You reveal Your miraculous power in my life, that I may be a testimony and an evidence to all people of Your existence.  Teach me to believe, help me in my unbelief. 

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Monday, September 21, 2015

True Devotion

Read:  Matthew Chapter 9

“Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’  For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Matt. 9:13

Much of what Jesus taught was directed toward the pride and self-reliance that encouraged a religious spirit among the Pharisees (religious leaders during Jesus’ time on earth).  God originally communicated His heart through Hosea 6:6.  All along God’s plan and desire for His people is steadfast love and devotion, not ritualistic adherence to any system of religion.  When we fully embrace the love and forgiveness of Christ, love and forgiveness naturally flow to the people around us.

Father, I am your servant.  I desire to know You and Your heart.  Revive my dead heart, give me life.  Teach me to be totally devoted to You, and to be overflowing in love, kindness, and forgiveness.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Faith-Filled Confession

Read:  Matthew Chapter 10

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” (vs 32)
Consider:  The confessions we see in the book of Matthew are confessions of what only God himself could have revealed.  There was no earthly authority confirming that Jesus was the Son of God.  This is how Jesus so readily recognized faith in people.  True confession can only be made by the revelation of the Spirit of God, it does not come from a knowledge or tradition passed down by man.  The opposite of faith is fear.  Fear can be found in the heart of every natural man, fear is taught and learned by the spirit of this world.  Jesus is revealing that faith replaces fear and enables us to obey God freely.

Father, speak to me in the quietness of my heart.  Reveal Your truth, build my faith. You have given me a charge to spread Your Good News, to confess Your Word before men.  Fill me with Your Spirit which gives me the power and authority to carry out this task.  While troubles will come in this earth, may I experience Your peace as my reward.  

*Bonus thought- If acted on, the fear of people (what they might think, how they might react, if they might be offended, that they might gossip about us) causes us to bow down and obey man rather than God.  A healthy fear of God causes us to fear separation with God, thereby encouraging us to have faith and obey what He is putting in our hearts.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jesus' Yoke

Read:  Matthew Chapter 11

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  (Matt. 11:28-39)

Man’s way is that of over-working and overwhelming burden; it is a series of unrealistic expectations.  God’s way isn’t harsh or demanding, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant.  When we yield to Christ, in obedience to His Holy Spirit, God’s instructions are like a breath of fresh air and we find our life to be enjoyable.  But we have to be willing to put down our agenda, our motives, our priorities, and allow Jesus to teach us how to live and to do our work.

Father, today I desire to do Your will.  In this very moment teach me what to do and how to do it.  Allow me to see Your priorities in my situation.  Teach me to work out of the nature you have given me in Christ.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Healthy Tree

Read:  Matthew Chapter 12

“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit.” (Matt. 12:33)

In every confrontation with the religious leaders, Jesus points to the true nature of God, His Law, and His Kingdom.  Jesus points to God’s mercy and forgiveness.  He recognizes the good works of the Holy Spirit through healing, restoration, and casting out demons.  He points toward hope and adoption into the family of God.  Jesus emphasizes obeying the will of Father (as revealed by His nature) on a higher level than following (man’s interpretation of) rules of religion.  He gravely warns against missing (or not recognizing) the work of the Holy Spirit and falsely accusing Him.  He exposes the abusive things we say as revealing the evil we harbor in our hearts.  Again and again He commands the people of Israel, and us, to repent.

Father, teach me to see from Your perspective, to hear what You hear, and to understand Your kingdom.  Cleanse me from all unrighteousness, that I may recognize and acknowledge Your work and Your Spirit.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kingdom Mystery

Read:  Matthew Chapter 13

“This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” (Matt. 13:13)

Through the Holy Spirit, we have been given eyes to see, ears to hear, and (all) spiritual understanding.  By faith we see and hear what others cannot.  Just as Jesus explained the parables and mysteries of the Kingdom, the Spirit explains all spiritual knowledge so that we may understand and adopt His perspective. 

Lord, I come to you and seek Your wisdom.  Open my eyes to see Your perspective of my life.  Open my eyes to Your spiritual truth in what I read in the Bible.  Help me to understand and may I be blessed today by your Word.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 14

“And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’” (vs. 33)

It was Peter’s mental understanding (human perception) that one cannot walk on water.  When experience told him he would sink (through the sensation of feeling the strong wind), his faith wavered and he indeed began to sink.  Many of us set out in faith, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, but when reality hits, when our experience in this world seems to be contrary to God’s Word, we waver and doubt.  Many abandon what faith tells us to believe because physical sensation tells us a different story.  As humans we tend to believe our circumstances more than God’s promises.

Father, please reveal where I am believing the reality of this world more than the reality of You.  Give me the faith to believe your promises despite what I see and hear and experience in this world.  May Your reality be my reality.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 15

“He answered them, ‘And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?’” (vs. 3)

Jesus consistently reveals what faith is not throughout His conversations with the religious leaders.  Their hearts had grown cold, completely missing the point of God’s Law.  They loved to use it to measure, judge, and condemn.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to distinguish between God’s instructions and man’s tradition or cultural expectations.  When we believe Jesus for our salvation, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us, speaking to us through our renewed spirit.  When we obey His voice, it is then we experience freedom from the weight and burden of man’s external rules.

Father, draw me close to You.  I confess that sometimes I see Your commands as standards and use it to judge myself and others.  Purify my heart, so that what comes out of my mouth honors You.  Allow me to discern Your Voice and distinguish what comes from You and what comes from the spirit of this world.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Kingdom Keys

Read:  Matthew Chapter 16

“Simon Peter replied, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’  And Jesus answered him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!  For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is heaven.’” (vs 16,17)

When Peter was able to discern God’s revelation and proclaim in faith that Jesus is Christ, it was then Jesus was able to reveal who Peter is and God’s will here on earth.  The same is true for us.  As we sit at Jesus’ throne and receive His Word by faith, we are able to see clearly who we are in Christ and hear God’s will for us in His Kingdom.

Lord, quiet my heart in Your Presence.  I long to connect with You.  Speak to me in these blessed moments.  I want to hear Your Voice.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Read:  Matthew 17

“He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.’” (vs. 5)

When we believe Jesus for salvation, we are adopted and become a son or daughter of God.  When our ears are tuned into the Kingdom of God, like Jesus, we too can discern God’s affirmation.  This may come through a person, a vision, or may be a still small voice in our heart.  Either way, this is God’s Spirit confirming who we truly are.

Father, who do you say I am?  I long to be affirmed as Jesus was affirmed.  Help me to seek you for my identity, forsaking the world and its definition of who I am.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Upside Down

Read:  Matthew Chapter 18

“Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (vs 4)

It is natural for us to think the person on the stage who is reaching the most people is greatest in the Kingdom.  But Jesus is urging us to see a different picture.  He’s saying that in God’s eyes the person greatest is the one who is lowly, who humbly believes and forgives as a child.  Our natural tendency is to look at a child and think he doesn’t understand, but it is that very innocence Jesus is telling us to value.  A child’s faith is uncomplicated, love is unconditional, and forgiveness is given freely.  Learn from the children in your life.

Lord, forgive me for the ways I have allowed the spirit of this world to taint my faith.  Reveal these impurities, give me the strength to cut these lies from my life.  Lead me back into innocence, that I may follow you without resistance or hesitation.  May I trust You and follow You like a young child trusts and follows a parent.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Inside Out

Read:  Matthew Chapter 19

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’” (vs 21)

What the natural mind cannot understand is what the Spirit of God reveals.  We as humans tend to latch on to a set of external rules we think define us as righteous and will allow us to enter the kingdom of heaven.  However, Jesus points to the original intent of the Law.  Jesus was consistently exposing heart attitudes and inward dispositions which hinder our experience in God’s Kingdom.  No action is of moral value unless it is an expression of the Spirit of God living in us.

Lord, I confess that I tend to judge myself and others based on a set of external expectations.  Give me the eyes to see myself and others based on what You reveal.  Allow me to see what is in my heart.  Help me to understand that following you isn’t about modifying behavior, but allowing You to transform my heart which causes me to walk in Your way.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today in Paradise

Read:  Matthew Chapter 20

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.” (vs 1)

Jesus revealed God’s kingdom principles through real life scenarios.  As the Spirit expands our minds to see these principles and purposes in our own life, we can understand God’s will.  He floods our mind with wisdom which causes us to make choices according to His way.  We begin to see our life from another perspective.  Sometimes we need to look up from the task at hand to focus on God and His intentions.

Father, I confess that I get busy doing what I’m doing and neglect to think about You and Your will.  Please open my mind to see You at work in my everyday life.  Help me to keep my focus on You, Your perspective, and Your will for me.  I put down what I think is right and good, and submit to Your way for me today.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Israel's Indictment

Read:  Matthew Chapter 21

“When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking about them.” (vs. 45)

The Messiah has come, the babes of Israel have proclaimed the truth!  They were expecting Jesus to overturn Roman rule, freeing them from earthly dominion and oppression.  But Jesus clears the temple.  Jesus curses the fig tree that bears no fruit.  His stories tell of coming judgement of Israel and her religious leaders.  Indeed this is a different kingdom than the Israelites were expecting.  May ours be a relationship with God that produces the spiritual fruit Jesus is looking for (Gal. 5:22-23).  May our faith be genuine, truly believing, without doubt.  

Father, purify my heart of any pride that might cause me to believe the good things I do in my own effort make me right.  I humble myself to realize I cannot produce any work aside from Your Spirit in me.  Allow me to see and experience the spiritual fruit that only you can produce in me.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 22

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (vs. 14)

Jesus redefines faith and God’s Kingdom.  Just because we go to, serve, and lead in a church does not mean we are experiencing the kingdom of God.  In fact, many of us are not experiencing an abundant life filled with spiritual riches like joy, love, and peace.  Our lives can be just as riddled by restlessness, sin, and anxiety as the rest of the world.  It is only when we continually turn from this godless nature within each of us and embrace the nature given to us in Christ that we experience authentic (not manufactured) patience, gentleness and self-control.  It comes from a life of walking in obedience and controlled by the Holy Spirit.  This is the fruit of a true disciple.

Father, I give up my earthly conception of what it means to be a christian in Your Kingdom.  Open my eyes to genuine faith, focus my eyes on the true mark of Your followers.  Teach me be Your disciple, a light and an example of Jesus here on earth.  I lay down the part of me that is of this world.  I humbly receive more of Your divine nature.  Teach me to walk in Your Spirit.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 23

“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (vs. 12)

It is pride which rises up and leads us to believe we are better or less than others.  It is pride which causes us to criticize other’s actions and think we would have done different if we were in their situation.  It is pride which leads us to create the perfect picture of our life on the outside.  It is pride that points to others (who are you thinking about right now?) but blinds us to our own pride.  Jesus says we are like white-washed tombs, dead on the inside.  Only He can make us pure on the inside, which then causes our outward appearance and actions to be upright.

Father, may I see myself as You see me.  Cleanse me of all pride, that which causes me to have too high or too low estimation of myself.  May I have quiet confidence in You and who You say I am.  Wash me from the inside out.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Consummation of the Age

Read:  Matthew Chapter 24

“Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?  Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.”  (vs. 45-46)

Regardless how people interpret the signs of the times, Jesus shares with us his heart regarding these things.  He desires us to be ready, watchful, and obedient.  If we are walking in God’s way, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, we need not worry about the end of the age.  May we rest assured of His Presence and protection, even amidst great troubles, affliction, and distress.

Father, may my life be a fruit of your peace.  May my soul rest.  I lay down my fears of the future, my constant worries about today, and my inner distress.  Help me to trust you, even when terrible things are happening all around me.  Even when disease or sickness hit me or my family, even my children.  Even when I don’t understand what I see in reality and question Your goodness.  May Your Word be a comfort as I trust you more and more.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kingdom Come

Read:  Matthew Chapter 25

Again Jesus is revealing kingdom principles through realistic stories.  He is emphasizing where our heart and attention is directed.  Be prepared and watch for Him, focusing our eyes on spiritual realities.  Be obedient.  Be generous with time, resources, and talents.  Serve others as if serving the Lord Himself.  Seek God in everything.  We never know when He’ll come, we never know when His Kingdom will come into our life and break into this world through us.  Remember, these promises are true yesterday, today, and forever.  When God speaks, he speaks from a timeless perspective.  His promises are already and not yet.

Father, teach me to watch with a spiritual perspective.  Teach me to be a good and faithful servant.  Separate me in holiness for the kingdom of God.  Teach me to be Your servant, Your conduit, Your vessel.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Anointed One

Read:  Matthew Chapter 26

“Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table.” (vs 6)

This woman’s action was a token of highest respect.  She poured out all her love, faith, worship, and affection.  While the others criticized her, Jesus elevated her act, even saying that what she has done would be told wherever the Gospel is proclaimed.  He recognized her act as a most spiritual work, as preparation for His burial.  Whether she knew it or not, this was a very important prophesy fulfilled: that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One.  This is Truth in reality.

Teach me to stop and listen.  Touch my life today.  May my worship be wholly motivated by love, my devotion intense, my sacrifice complete.  I worship You with all that I am.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

It is Finished

Read:  Matthew Chapter 27

“And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.  And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.  The tombs also were opened.  And the many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised,” (vs 51,52)

All these signs occurred as confirmation for those with eyes to see that “Truly this was the Son of God!”  The earth quaking, the curtain being torn, the dead raised to life, all fulfilled the hope of the Jews.  This is God’s promises realized.  When God’s promises (our hope) become a present reality, this is to give us the assurance (proof) of that which is unseen.  This is confirmation that God is who He says He is and we can trust Him to do what He says He will do.  And that is faith.

I’m overwhelmed by You and Your sacrifice for me.  Open my eyes to see Your promises realized in a personal way, in my life, that my faith may increase.  Thank You, Jesus.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jesus Has Overcome

Read:  Matthew Chapter 28

“‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” (vs 18-20)

The power of sin and Satan is defeated.  Jesus has conquered the grave.  We are no longer dead in our trespasses (spiritually dead), but alive in Christ.  We are new creations, we no longer live in our broken nature, but have the nature of Christ in us.  The power of sin, the spirit of this world, no longer has claim on us.  We have been given the authority to influence the world!

Father, teach me to walk in Your nature, turning daily from the nature of my flesh.  Teach me to overcome this world by living moment-by-moment in obedience to Your Spirit.  Teach me to walk above the temptation of Satan, thereby overcoming the power of this world by the power of Your Spirit.  In this way, I will change the world!  I love You, Lord.

*This post is the end of a month long daily devotional on Matthew.  Click here to start from the introduction.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thank You!

Thanks so much for joining me for Matthew Moments this month!  My prayer is that the Lord revealed something fresh to you through reading His Word.  I hope you are encouraged in your faith in a new way as we ponder just what the gospel of the kingdom of heaven looks like in the reality of our own life.

Let's do this again soon!

Loving you, 


*This post is the end of a month long daily devotional on Matthew.  Click here to start from the introduction.