Monday, September 7, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 23

“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (vs. 12)

It is pride which rises up and leads us to believe we are better or less than others.  It is pride which causes us to criticize other’s actions and think we would have done different if we were in their situation.  It is pride which leads us to create the perfect picture of our life on the outside.  It is pride that points to others (who are you thinking about right now?) but blinds us to our own pride.  Jesus says we are like white-washed tombs, dead on the inside.  Only He can make us pure on the inside, which then causes our outward appearance and actions to be upright.

Father, may I see myself as You see me.  Cleanse me of all pride, that which causes me to have too high or too low estimation of myself.  May I have quiet confidence in You and who You say I am.  Wash me from the inside out.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

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