Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Read:  Matthew Chapter 22

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (vs. 14)

Jesus redefines faith and God’s Kingdom.  Just because we go to, serve, and lead in a church does not mean we are experiencing the kingdom of God.  In fact, many of us are not experiencing an abundant life filled with spiritual riches like joy, love, and peace.  Our lives can be just as riddled by restlessness, sin, and anxiety as the rest of the world.  It is only when we continually turn from this godless nature within each of us and embrace the nature given to us in Christ that we experience authentic (not manufactured) patience, gentleness and self-control.  It comes from a life of walking in obedience and controlled by the Holy Spirit.  This is the fruit of a true disciple.

Father, I give up my earthly conception of what it means to be a christian in Your Kingdom.  Open my eyes to genuine faith, focus my eyes on the true mark of Your followers.  Teach me be Your disciple, a light and an example of Jesus here on earth.  I lay down the part of me that is of this world.  I humbly receive more of Your divine nature.  Teach me to walk in Your Spirit.

*This post is part of a month long devotional series on Matthew.  To start from the intro click here.  To go to the next post click here.

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